Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Online Marketing and The Wizard of Oz

I am sure that many of you must have seen "The Wizard of Oz,"
which is still being regarded as one of the greatest movies of
all time..

As a refresher and for those that did not see the movie, the big
theme was that the main characters all thought that they didn't
have what it takes to get what they wanted in life...

By example, the Scarecrow thought he needed a brain and
the Tin Man thought he didn't have a heart.

In essence, it turned out that they all already had everything they
needed, but they were actually looking and searching outside of
themselves, whilst they should have been looking inside.

That's usually the problem...we know a lot more than we think we
know, but sometimes we just need a little nudging from a "wizard"
to remember it.

Does this not sound familiar to you and don't you sometimes feel
that you know a lot more of a subject than what others think
but just need a little encouragement from a "wizard" to
bring your true potential to the fore.

How does this all relate to Internet marketing? Well, you
already have everything you need to succeed online...inside of
you. Your brain is surely intact and therefore you are reading
this article right now, and the same goes for your eyes
and fingers (in order to log on).

If you are in any way still unsure and need a kick-start, why
not compare some affiliate programs to find out what is best for
you. I strongly recommend that you log onto

Here you will get unbiased views of what programs are regarded
as genuine and will earn you money within a short period of

With the information gained from
you will have your own personal Wizard..

To your success!


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