Saturday, January 30, 2010

Your Personal Online Information Must Be Carefully Guarded

If you're new to online marketing, you may be unaware of a one important fact--everyone is out to get your email address. Yes it is true. You've heard, "The Money Is In the List," Well, how do you think people get lists?

Some online marketers are unscrupulous and obtain your email address through dubious means and keep sending those emails about this, that, or the other thing, day after day. It really gets irritating after a while.

As one who would love to have your email address, too, I now have to tell you how you undoubtedly became part of a list--Lead Capture.

You may have heard the term "squeeze page," and most of these pages work the same way.

A lead capture or squeeze page will have some text and graphics , but one thing is always the same--the box for your name and email. Some are more elaborate and ask for your home address, your telephone number, and so on.

Any lead capture page should explain why you might want to rpass on your information and that the person/company collecting the information promises not to share it with anyone, for any reason. If you're going to give your information , these factors are requirements, not options!

When you're surfing and see a page with just a "Please Sign Up Here" and the boxes, with no information regarding the site's privacy policy or what you're signing up for--BEWARE!

Take note of all the offers you sign up to as you can be put on so many lists! This includes mailing lists, calling lists, and who knows what other kinds of lists. And don't forget, if you're someone who hates telemarketing calls, that by giving the information, you've rescinded your Do Not Call status in the U.S. from that particular marketer. This company may even sell or rent your phone number.

It's OK to give your information if you;

a) know what you're getting in return,

b) know that the offer comes from a reliable source, and

c) you know what will happen to your information once you provide it.

The watchword online is prudence!

Online offers will usually come via some moneymaking program, but before of the scams. If you looking for an authentic program to look at, it might be worth your while going to;


It is time to wave good bye to the online cheats.


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