Monday, June 1, 2009

Five Reasons Why You Are Not Making Money Online

To make money online isn’t all that difficult, as long as you have the right ingredients and follow the recipe, just like in cooking.

1. Content

Content, is what makes or breaks your site, if you think you have done all the right things for your site’s content and you still can’t make any money, then look around, take a look at your competitors that are making money in that niche, there has to be something they have that you don’t.

Usually users around the net, doesn’t matter if its from search engines or referrals, they are looking for specific info, if you made a site in a certain niche then you must have the topics they need.

2. Ads

The majority of the webmasters tend to clutter their site in every way they can. If you have more ads then info on your site, why would any one come to visit?

It shows how much you really care about the site, if you have alot of ads on your sites that completely take over the content, it’s pretty obvious that the site owner isn’t trying to give you good info but just attempting to make a quick buck.

Revise your monetization plan, and remove excessive ads.

3. Multiple Banners

It is off putting to go to a site and there are like multiple small banners that say “This site is in the top 100 at......”

They might be getting traffic from them, but it could be extremely annoying to go to a site with 20-30 banners in the footer area as it usually takes a while for it to load itself. Some of those top 100 sites have slow servers!

4. Speed. Time is money.

Following on the last point, speed is essential, you need to have a site that loads within 2-7 secs because the more time it takes, the more visitors you loose. Factors that effect your load times iclude.

  • 3rd party hosted images

  • widgets/banners from websites that are slow themselves

  • using way too many trackers in your script

  • image heavy design

5. Promotion and Marketting

Self promotion of your own sites without any money spent on it, at least for the first 6 months is quite possible. It is however completely taboo to even remotely consider spamming and uselesss email campaigns. One of the reasons you might not be making money could be the fact that you have crappy traffic, which is gained through crappy marketing tactics.

If you looking for a great way to get your Online Marketing, especially Affiliate Marketing off to a great start, then you must go to

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